
Mr. Thompson sat for a moment in thought. Then a sly grin crossed his face as he looked inquiringly at his secretary and asked, "Miss Mitchell, do you re- call the store regulations we have on the appearance of our salesladies?"!

"Oh yes, Mr. Thompson. They have to wear dresses in a modest style, no slacks, no shifts; high- heeled shoes, no sandals; stockings, no anklets; oh, there are several others but they all mean for the firls to dress smartly and conservatively, and Oh, Mr. Thompson I see what you mean! Why that's a darling idea. I'll go get our copy of that store regu- lation right now."

"Splendid, splendid. Let me have it and then send this gentleman in and I think we'll settle this rather quickly.


Miss Mitchell bounced back into the outer office all smiles, and quickly went through her desk until she located her copy of the store regulations. Then smiling sweetly, she said to the young man seated near her desk, "I discussed your application with Mr. Thompson and he will be very happy to see you now.


The man whom she had addressed,got up to follow her into Mr. Thompson's office. He was a slim, hand- some person of about 30 years of age, properly but not expensively dressed in a business suit, and had appeared to Miss Mitchell to be courteous and friendly, despite his unusual request.

"Come in and have a chair, Mr. -" began Mr. Thompson.

"Booth, sir. James Booth."

"Yes, Mr. Booth. Thank you, Miss Mitchell, " said Mr. Thompson as his secretary handed him the store regulation and returned to her office. Mr. Booth thought he detected a very sly somewhat superior at- titude in the big smile on her face as she looked at him in departing. What, he wondered, had caused her